The Independence Community Band just finished the band season last night and had four Central alumni playing this year:
- Jake Knepper ’03
- Bruce Jefferson ’77
- Bob Thurman ’83
- Nicole Rottinghaus Knepper ’02
The band plays 3-6 concerts every summer, starting with the 4th of July in Independence, Farmer’s Day in Jesup, an evening concert in the middle of July in the park and at various care centers and other places around the area.
We have everything from junior high kids just starting out to our 89-year-old lead trumpet player. We perform patriotic songs, some concert band pieces and then marching/pep band stuff like “Hey Baby”, “Louie, Louie” and “Smoke on the Water”.
I’ve been playing with the community band since 2008. Bruce, Nicole and Jake started 2-3 years ago. I end up being the roadie for them too, hauling the equipment, setting up, tearing down, fun stuff like that.

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Laura Hahn Hanna
9:25 am on September 22, 2021
Bob-it is great to see you still playing! I met you on my Central College tour in 1981 and you were holding down the low brass section, albeit with a bit of comedy. I am planning on attending the Class of 1985 reunion at Central in a few weeks. Go Dutch!