In response to an increasing number of your letters, we’ve launched a new Letters to the Editor section. To send us a letter, see “Write Us!” below.
During the Styx concert [“The Best of Times with Styx and Central’s Most Explosive Concert,” Winter 2020 issue], Bob Monroe ’76 and I ran the spotlights from the Douwstra balcony. The band’s sound man called the lighting instructions through headphones.

The members of Styx, after Tommy Shaw joined the band, are shown in a 1970s promotional photo, clockwise from far left: Chuck Panozzo, John Panozzo, Dennis DeYoung, Shaw and James “JY” Young.
But the show was so loud that Bob and I couldn’t hear him, so we were on our own. Between songs he screamed at us using all kinds of colorful language that we weren’t qualified. We told him that unless he moved to another spot (he was parked in front of the speakers) we wouldn’t be able to hear him. He refused to move so Bob trained his spot to one side of the stage and I to the other. We wished the sound man good luck, took off our headsets and went down to the main floor to watch the rest of the show.
The band played on, the windows broke, the audience enjoyed the show and the rest is history. I don’t recall having any input in selecting Styx, but if the story is still floating around 40 years later, it must have been the right choice.
— Ron Humeston ’76, Pella, Iowa
Here’s your chance to help fill Douwstra Auditorium with historic melodies for generations to come:
Phase II of fundraising for Douwstra asks our alumni and other friends to become “Pipe Organ Donors.” The college intends to restore one to the modern auditorium, hand-built by world-renowned craftsmen at Casavant Frérés. Go to to donate.
Civitas welcomes letters and emails from readers concerning the contents of the magazine or issues relating to Central College. Please include the author’s name, city and state; anonymous communications will be discarded. Letters selected for publication may be edited for length, content, clarity and style.
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