I retired from Central College on March 10, but continue to work part-time at the information desk at Pella Regional Health Center. I enjoy greeting visitors and seeing new babies! I also plan to volunteer in my daughter’s kindergarten class a day or two a week, and work at the Pella Food Shelf once a month with my husband.
Favorite memories of Central include:
1) Studying abroad in Paris and traveling around Europe.
2) Meeting my husband Tom Cerwinske ’72. We will celebrate our 44th anniversary this year.
3) Performing in the Pietenpol Cup contest.
My life after Central College: Tom and I lived in Houston and Colorado before we moved back to Pella. I just retired after 22 years at Central. I worked in the music department for 12 of those years during which I had the opportunity to travel to China, Wales, Mexico and around the United States. The last 10 years were spent working in the Admission Office, where I was campus visit coordinator. I loved my time working at Central and will miss all the students I’ve worked with through the years. Now, in retirement, Tom and I hope to travel and maybe do more camping in our 1979 Winnebago. We have planned a trip to Virginia to visit our kids and Arizona to visit my mom. Down the road, we hope to visit Colorado, Oregon and discover new places.

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Tammy Cross Dann
6:41 pm on April 15, 2017
Central will not be the same without Sue. No one has a kinder heart, a bigger smile, or a better laugh! She made everyone who walked into her space feel as though they were the most important person in the world. Thanks for 22 years of making Central a better place!
Becky Desing Bock
6:10 pm on April 6, 2017
Becky Desing Bock
Congrats to Sue ( and Tom) – enjoy the times. I have known Sue since our first day at CUI as freshmen in Graham. I my only comment is that I cannot believe that SIGMAs were number 2 — at least number 2!!!! Or that dancing to Sly and the Family Stone is not on the list!!! Love ya!!
Paula Ryan
12:59 pm on April 6, 2017
Congratulations, Sue!
You will be greatly missed, but I wish you a fun and much deserved retirement!
Cheryl Miller
11:26 am on April 6, 2017
Congrtaulations, Sue Cerwinske, on your recent retirement from Central. Your wonderful smile and warm personality will truly be missed! You were a blessing to Joe & Allison while they studied at Central.