It was a reunion of “the three musketeers of Paris” in Key West, Florida. Lynn Herndon Howard, Jerry Vroegh and Marty Miller Sartipi, class of 1975, met in Key West in February 2012. We studied together at the Sorbonne, and though we have stayed in touch over the years, the three of us were last together 37 years ago at my wedding to Madjid. It was a wonderful reunion that we hope to repeat in the not too distant future.

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Ellie DeRose Cook
5:42 am on June 24, 2012
So good to see (a picture of) Lynn Herndon Howard after all these years.
We were housemates during the summer after you returned from Paris.
Lynn, you encouraged me to go to Yucatan, which I did the next year. It was the
beginning of many travels.
Glad to see you could meet up with some former study abroad classmates in my
(now) home state. How fun!!