I wrote Sumptuous Stitches and Tiny Treasures: Needlework and Needlework Tools from the Collection of the Museum of Texas Tech University to accompany an exhibit of the same name May 1-Dec. 19, 2021. The book is available on Amazon.

I wrote Sumptuous Stitches and Tiny Treasures: Needlework and Needlework Tools from the Collection of the Museum of Texas Tech University to accompany an exhibit of the same name May 1-Dec. 19, 2021. The book is available on Amazon.
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9:09 pm on March 23, 2021
Marian Ann: What a nice surprise to see your name! I would expect no less than a great book authored by you. Do you have a Texas connection by residence or work? Dr. Susan and I love the Austin and San Antonio areas. I confess to proposing twice at River Walk area of San Antonio. We celebrated a memorable Easter weekend there as a family pre-Covid days…. FYI: We are RCA members with a Central Grad Pastor, Andrew Schmidt.