I just signed a contract with Camel Press for a three book deal. The first in the Consignment shop Murders will appear this October and is titled A Secondhand Murder.

I just signed a contract with Camel Press for a three book deal. The first in the Consignment shop Murders will appear this October and is titled A Secondhand Murder.
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Marion Heath Perry Snider, CharMar Alpacas
2:32 pm on April 26, 2013
Congratulations Lesley! I, too, look forward to reading your books! I love mysteries so it will be great to be able to support a fellow Central graduate. I would love to talk to you about publishing a book as I am in the process of research for a book related to alpaca care.
Marion Heath Perry Snider, Class of ’71
Mary Gosselink De Jong
10:54 am on April 26, 2013
Dear Lesley, we didn’t know each other but we were members of the same zoology class in 1963. You operated on a frog! I knew then that you were motivated enough to get your graduate degree and have a career. What’s really wonderful at this stage of our lives is that you are commencing another career! Congratulations.
Mary Gosselink De Jong, class of 1966
Kathy Gosselink Corbet
8:51 pm on April 23, 2013
Hi Les, So proud of you and how your second career as an author is going. Go Girl!!!!
Judith D'Amico
4:28 pm on April 23, 2013
Congratulations on your book deal, Lesley! I love mysteries and look forward to
reading yours. Judith D’Amico (Stemsrud)
Hiram Evans
11:16 am on April 23, 2013
Mysteries are a ‘professional hazard’ for this semi-retired forensic scientist; consulting on forensic science offerred free to CUI alumni ! 😉
Mary Delaney
8:27 pm on April 22, 2013
Lesley, I was at Central in the early-mid 70’s so did not know you, but I’ll look for your books. I’m an avid reader and am ALWAYS looking for well-written novels and mysteries. I prefer Christian novels, but enjoy anything that will keep my attention and I’m sure your series will be very well done. Congratulations on being published!
Sharon McClinton
7:48 pm on April 22, 2013
Congratulations, Lesley! I look forward to reading your books!