I am a realtor with Coldwell Banker Mid-America Group at the metro office located in the East Village. Prior to that, I was the executive director of Metro Arts Alliance of Greater Des Moines and public affairs officer and community relations state director for Citi businesses in Iowa.
I’m currently reading “Simple Abundance.” My all-time favorite books are “The Fountainhead” and One Hundred Years of Solitude.” I also love the profound simplicity of poems by Jacques Prevert.
Some of my favorite memories from my days at Central come from sharing a corner suite in Graham Hall with my Upward Bound friends, Melody McCuen and Shannon Sample during our freshman year. We had all three of our beds stacked one on top of the other. Mine was on the bottom so it was great fun (and scary) to watch Mel and Shannon climbing in and out of bed when they were pledging into their sorority!
My life after Central has been a wonderful adventure. I joined the Peace Corps after graduation as a way to “give back” for the countless ways that so many people helped me and my family when we came to the United States. I’ve also had some amazing opportunities to create and run programs and organizations for local and multinational corporations that I felt have made a difference in the community.

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Kim Poam Logan
9:59 pm on September 18, 2017
Hi Heather and Mary Jane!! So nice to hear from you, my UB family. I found the confidence to accept and be myself at Upward Bound, and it was thanks to you and Ed, Mary Jane; and friends like Heather. I have so many happy memories from my UB summers!
Walter–How can I forget your support of my creative writing group, above and beyond the classes we had with you? I’m still in touch with half the people in the group today. PS: Beth Van Zee and I are with the same company, but different office locations.
Heather Burr Isaacson
9:43 pm on September 5, 2017
UB hug to you, Kim! Congratulations on your many successes.
Mary Jane Banfield
7:23 pm on September 5, 2017
Ed and I don’t are excited to read about your life and commitment to other cultures. You were a joy and an active participant in Upward Bound, and we knew you would be successful in life. Congratulations on your happy marriage, beautiful family, and successful careers. We wish you continued happiness and success.
Walter Cannon
11:38 am on September 5, 2017
Kim, it’s wonderful to see you and your family on these pages! I enjoyed you as a student and continue to enjoy your life story of service to and engagement with the world. What a great contribution you have made and are still making. I’m glad others will get to read more about you.