Jeff retired from 26 years of college teaching Biblical studies, theology and world religions. Janna is an organist at Long Memorial UMC, Roxboro, N.C. Future plans – to love and be loved, caring for an enjoying our grandsons who live in Cary, N.C. and travel.
We met in the registration line in Kuyper Gym since both of our surnames begin with the letter “K.” Other memories of Central include the choir tours with Larry Grooters and Jay Vermeer and marching and symphonic bands with Tom Cook, Dutch Dancing at Tulip Time, campus Church with Gene Heideman and Wil Washington, mentoring from Ed Willis and Davis Folkerts, worship, teaching Sunday school and our wedding at Second Reformed Church (wed on the day after 1977 Commencement).
After Central, Jeff spent his career in teaching and administration at Waynesburg University in Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Janna is a professional musician and spent her career in churches in Pennsylvania and West Virginia, private home piano studio, part-time teaching at Waynesburg University and West Virginia University. Together we raised and funded two daughters: Julia, 34, Director of Curriculum Integration in Study Abroad, North Carolina State University; Jesse, 24, art teacher at Lebanon Road Elementary School in Charlotte, NC.

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