Employment/future aspirations: I am working for a third party administrator as a senior account manager in the Captive practice.
Memorable Central College moments: The best year of my life was my sophomore year! I attended the program in the Netherlands first semester and the London program second semester. It was my first time traveling internationally and it was my main desire in coming to Central!
The opening of the Maytag Center my junior year – what a beautiful place. I felt very privileged to have such an amazing student center.
Living off campus my senior year with Carol Price and Sally Sagraves!
Pledging Sigma Phi Omega my junior year.
My life after Central College: It’s hard to believe it’s been 25 years! I’ve lived several places since graduation. I started out in Calistoga, California running a Bed & Breakfast in the morning and managing an Art Gallery in the afternoons. It was the best job but didn’t pay so well! I ended up working for insurance companies in Des Moines and Chicago for the last 24 years. My position currently is a liaison between our clients and my company. Captive Insurance companies are domiciled out of the Cayman Islands so the board meetings are held off shore. As a result, I get to travel to international locations for meetings.
2014 was a very challenging year for me. I am grateful to say I am a breast cancer survivor. I had no idea until last year how many women are touched by this disease. It was probably the toughest thing I have ever faced. At first I was reluctant to speak about it but now I feel compelled to speak to as many people as possible to raise awareness and give hope. It was an experience that has definitely changed who I am and how I look at life.

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