Employment: I was employed for 30 years at Minnesota State University-Mankato and retired in 1995 as professor emeritus of music. This year, I am director of music at the First Presbyterian Church in Mankato. I have directed choirs in several churches in Mankato; Presbyterian, Lutheran, Methodist and Catholic.
Memorable Central College moments: I will always treasure my experience in the musical groups. I sang for four years in the A Cappella Choir under Mr. Grooters. I was a soloist and choir president during my senior year. The choir toured to New York (two times), Wisconsin and California. I was director of the men’s chorus. I played in the band including the “Marching ’49”, an all brass and percussion group, during football games. During my sophomore year, some of us got together and organized a music honorary fraternity, Mu Gamma Pi. I was the third president of that group. I really enjoyed playing in intramural sports, especially basketball. I think I got a great education from Mr. Grooters, Mrs. LeCocq, Dr. Rittenhouse and Mr. Smith.
What I’m reading and books I’d recommend: I am currently in a men’s study group at my church. We just finished “Convictions” by Marcus Borg and we are currently reading “How to Read the Bible” by Harvey Cox. We have read many “interesting” books. I enjoy reading historical books and have just finished “The Wright Brothers” by David McCullough. I enjoy his books very much including “Truman” and “John Adams”.
My life after Central College: Right out of college I taught in Iowa – four years in Colo and one year in Ackley. Then, I taught one year in Pocatello, Idaho, and was a student teaching supervisor for one year in Eaton, Colorado as a part of my doctoral program. After Idaho, I became supervisor of music for the public schools of Regina, Saskatchewan for two years.
In 1966, I came to Mankato State University – now Minnesota State University, Mankato, and served there in the music department in various capacities: four years as department chair with 10 years as director of choral activities and music education specialist. I started and led a show/jazz choir for 25 years. During that time, we toured Russia, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Western Europe, England, Mexico, Canada, Australia and many places in the United States including three different World Fairs. We made three trips to Disney World and the Bahamas, singing on cruise ships each time. I also was musical director for over 50 musicals at Minnesota State University.
About 12 years ago, my wife and I bought a place in Tucson, Arizona, and spent our winters (about 6 months) there. While there, I directed two choirs and we sang in a very nice choir at Northminster Presbyterian Church. My wife, Bette, directed two handbell choirs and I played in one. I also did one musical there with seniors, “Guys and Dolls”, and was both musical and stage director. It was a very busy time. But now we are back in Mankato on a full-time basis.

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Charles Dadisman
8:08 pm on August 8, 2017
I was a member of the choir in Colo, IA, and even helped Allen and Betty move her things into their house in that small town. This was a great article in the August issue of Civitas and it answered many questions as to whatever happened to my favorite teacher. Because of Mr. Wortman, I leaned heavily toward Central when it came time to decide where to continue my education.
Now that I’ve read more about him, I am asking that you please forward my information to him so that we may connect more.
Charles Dadisman
3652 Ponderosa Trail
Pinole, CA
Please do not publish this in Civitas. Thank you.