Central’s Upward Bound program serves 190 high school participants annually with academic advising, college preparatory curriculum, tutoring, college visits, ACT preparation and assistance with college and financial aid applications.
For the second year in a row, Central received a grant from the John Deere Foundation to support the college’s longstanding Upward Bound program to help low-income, potential first-generation college students achieve academic success.
Upward Bound supports eligible students to develop the aspiration, knowledge and skills to successfully enter and complete postsecondary education.
The grant from John Deere Foundation funds four different opportunities within Central’s Upward Bound program.
The grant will:
- Allow 60 incoming high school juniors to participate in a career readiness course at John Deere offices in Des Moines and Ankeny.
- Provide common reading books for all Central Upward Bound participants and offset the costs of bringing a convocation speaker to the Central campus for the summer program.
- Support a field trip for 45 junior participants to explore careers.
- Underwrite a skill-building conference for high school seniors.
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