Sarah Van Waardhuizen, instructor of music, presented her work
related to a theory of teaching during the Chairs’ Conference.
Central hosted the 6th annual Chairs’ Conference Sept. 15-16 on campus. Faculty from a wide range of disciplines presented their research and projects. A poster session held Sept. 15 included topics such as “Imagination Across the Curriculum: Using Story to Teach” by professor of chemistry Cathy Haustein and “Undergraduate Research in Costa Rica: A Transdisciplinary Approach” by lecturer of Spanish Oscar Reynaga and assistant professor of exercise science Sara Shuger Fox.
Additional sessions took place the evening of Sept. 15 and during the day Sept. 16. Just a few of the many presentations included “Life Lessons Learned in Choir” by M. Joan Kuyper Farver Endowed Chair in Music and associate professor of music Mark Babcock ’91, “Our Invisible Work: Emotional Labor in Teaching, Research and Service” by associate professor of communication studies Linda Laine and “Perturbations of Violence in Kashmir” by Frank Moore Chair of Anthropology and professor of anthropology Cynthia Mahmood.
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