There’s no end to the academic research opportunities for students in Costa Rica, say Sara Shuger Fox and Oscar Reynaga. The pair led seven students in a five-week excursion this summer, the first cohort in a new undergraduate research program. Shuger Fox, assistant professor of exercise science, and Reynaga, lecturer of Spanish, plan to lead the trip each summer, maintaining partnerships that offer unique, cross-cultural opportunities for research.

Seven students traveled to Costa Rica as part of Central’s newest research program. Back row: Ryan Kruse ’18, Macin Harvey ’19, Caitlyn Champ ’19, Huma Liptak ’17, assistant professor of exercise science Sara Shuger Fox, lecturer of Spanish Oscar Reynaga. Front row: Lauren Vahlcamp ’19, Lauren Moll ’20 and a local student.
This year, students pursued research in environmental law, nutrition and health, family cultures, bee diversity and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Many different majors will find diverse possibilities for research in Costa Rica — Shuger Fox and Reynaga say the program is a great fit for anyone interested in studying community development, nutrition and public health, exercise science and wellness, biology and environmental science, oral histories and literary journalism.
Shuger Fox recently presented her work toward developing the program at the First Annual World Congress on Undergraduate Research in Doha, Qatar. She and Reynaga now plan to present their experiences leading the program at an international conference in Paris next spring.
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